Best Personal Bad Credit Loans Of 2022
Best Personal Bad Credit Loans Of 2022
The consequence of bad credit is that
you could need to make trade-offs and compromises. For example, personal loans
for bad credit can offer access to funds, but that access might come with a
high interest rate and other restrictions that don’t apply to borrowers with
a good credit score.
Personal loan interest rates
vary depending on your score and the qualification requirements you meet, so
you shouldn’t expect to get the lowest rates or the most favorable terms with
damaged credit.
Are the Current Personal Loan Rates?
Personal loan interest rates fell this week, trending lower for
three- and five-year loan terms. Here are average personal loan rates, as of
Nov. 14, offered to well-qualified applicants with credit scores of 720 or
- Three-year
personal loan term: 15.13%, down from 15.89% a week ago.
- Five-year
personal loan term: 16.6%, down from 16.96% a week ago.
But if you have bad credit,
you likely shouldn’t be looking for the best rates; the provider that offers a
loan your score qualifies for is typically the best one for you. And if there
are multiple options open to you, then compare loan limits and interest rates
to find the one that best fulfills your needs.
We reviewed 18 popular
lenders based on 14 data points in the categories of loan details, loan costs,
eligibility and accessibility, customer experience and the application process.
We chose lenders that have a minimum credit score requirement of 600 or lower
and ranked them based on the weighting assigned to each category:
- Loan details: 20%
- Loan cost: 25%
- Eligibility and
accessibility: 30%
- Customer experience: 15%
- Application process: 10%
Within each
category, we also considered several characteristics, including loan amounts,
repayment terms, APR ranges and applicable fees. We also looked at whether each
lender accepts co-signers or joint applications and the geographic availability
of the lender. Finally, we evaluated each provider’s customer support tools,
borrower perks and features that simplify the borrowing process—like
prequalification and mobile apps.
Where appropriate,
we awarded partial points depending on how well a lender met each criterion.
Tips for Comparing Personal Loans for Bad
Consider these tips when comparing personal loans for bad
- Compare
the top-end range of interest rates. Because
interest rates largely depend on your qualifying credit score, you’re
likely to land a rate at the top end of the range with bad credit. So,
when comparing personal loans for people with bad credit, be sure to
compare the maximum rate.
- If
possible, prequalify with a provider. Several
providers offer the opportunity to prequalify you for a personal loan.
This means you can submit details like your income information, desired
loan use and housing situation to learn about potential loan limits, rates
and repayment options. Prequalifying also only requires a soft credit
check, which doesn’t hurt your credit score, so you can safely find the
best rates.
- Check
for additional fees. Some personal loan providers
charge no origination fees, late payment fees or prepayment
penalties. However, there are some that may charge all or some of these
fees. When comparing bad credit personal loans, be sure to look at the fee
structure beyond the potential interest rate you can receive.
- Evaluate
the lender’s customer support options. If you’ve
found a lender, there’s one more thing to consider before signing the loan
agreement. While customer support may not seem like a big deal, it can
make a huge difference if you encounter issues with payments or face a
financial hardship during your repayment period. Review the lender’s
customer service resources and read reviews to make sure it’s a good fit.
Is a Bad Credit Score?
Based on the
FICO credit score range of 300 to 850, a score below 580 is considered to be a
bad credit score. Lenders refer to borrowers who fall in this range as subprime
borrowers, and those borrowers tend to be riskier. A bad credit score can make
it more difficult to qualify for things like a car, a mortgage or a loan for a
business, so it should be in your best interest to improve your score before
submitting an application.
What Is a Bad Credit Loan?
Some lenders offer bad credit loans
for applicants who have had little to no time to build a credit history or who
may have experienced some pitfalls. While it can be difficult to get a loan
with a credit score below 580, some lenders, including those on this list, are
willing to extend funds to applicants with scores between 580 and 600. Minimum
credit score requirements tend to vary between lenders, so be sure to check if
your score qualifies through your preferred lender.
Types of Loans for Bad Credit
it comes to personal loans, there are two types you can apply for: secured
and unsecured loans. However, if you’re having trouble qualifying for a
personal loan, consider other loans for bad credit.
Secured & Unsecured Bad Credit Personal
personal loans can either be secured or unsecured. Secured
loans require you to provide something of value (also known
as collateral), such as your car, savings account or home, to back (or
secure) the loan. The lender can repossess the collateral if you fall behind on
payments or default. This makes them less risky to a lender, which also means
they tend to come with more favorable terms, like lower interest rates,
and fewer qualification requirements.
loans, on the other hand, are the more common of the two and don’t require any
collateral. Because these loans don’t require collateral and therefore pose
more risk to lenders, they typically come with more qualification requirements
and higher interest rates. The loans on this list are all unsecured
personal loans.
Student Loans for Bad Credit
If you’re trying to cover higher education expenses, a student loan for bad credit is likely the direction you want to look. Although private student loans typically require good credit, borrowers with bad credit can take out federal student loans, which don’t require a credit check. Federal loans also come with the most flexible repayment terms, including forgiveness if you work in public service or choose certain repayment plans.